Hi, I'm Catherine

Looking for Junior Software Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer roles!


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🤖 Research
Domain Adaptation for Racial Faces in the Wild

Pretrained adversarial networks using novel Maximum Mean Discrepancy loss and source classification loss to extract more reliable features for clustering and reduce racial bias by 9.5% under Professor Gary Cottrell.

Selected as one out of 30 Research Scholars
🚴 Hackathon

Generated safe bike paths in Boston from empirical accident data with routing algorithm and applied heatmap visualizations using Kernel Density Estimation of theft data to denote danger hotspots for parking.

Best Data Usability AwardTop 30 at PennApps XX
🎨 Hackathon

Used TensorFlow to develop a pictionary Variational Autoencoder that generates realistic flawed sketches.

Best Use of Microsoft AzureFirst Place